These 5 reasons you should master sewing a button down shirt are probably not enough, but a good start. When you’re ready to level up your sewing skills, button down shirts are likely high up on the list of clothes you’re going to consider sewing. They never go out of fashion and can be adapted to long and short sleeve to suit all seasons. 

1: Dressing up will no longer be a fight

You can use your kid’s favourite colours and prints, let them rock their own personal style with a button down shirt tailored just for them!

cool shirt sewing pattern
cool shirt sewing pattern
cool shirt sewing pattern
cool shirt sewing pattern

2: Learn new techniques, in manageable pieces

Shirt construction is easy to break down into smaller steps. That means you can master one new thing at a time. Making a shirt is full of small victories! When I started sewing I was scared to death of the men’s shirt sleeve placket! Then I decided to make some for my husband as our local shop had some Gucci fabric for sale and it was awesome.

So I took a closer look at my husbands shirt, worked out how its done and practised a bit. I could not believe how simple it actually was. It would have to be as thousands are made every day, all around the world. 

5 Reasons You Should Master the Button Down Shirt
5 Reasons You Should Master the Button Down Shirt

3: Knock down the intimidation factor of any sewing project

When you see the amazing finished project you’ve produced you’ll be able to say, I could make that, to so many other projects.

Jackie Cook has quickly become a shirt expert and she always manages to put the best fabrics together for her inspiring creations. When you check out the gallery of customer photos you will get absolutely hooked.

4. Buttons!

For snaps It seems like most sewing rooms have a container of buttons waiting for the perfect spot to be sewn. Whether you can’t stop buying vintage buttons or love finding new ones that coordinate perfectly a button down is a great place to break out the button stash. If you find button holes intimidating, or your kid want’s to dress themselves and hasn’t mastered the button yet, you can often substitute a kam snap. 

5 Reasons You Should Master the Button Down Shirt
5. Button down shirts are for everyone!

Dress up or every day. You don’t need a formal event to sew a button up. Use your favourite print for an every day top!

5 Reasons You Should Master the Button Down Shirt

Still not sure you can sew up and button down?

What if you had someone sewing it with you?

The button down featured above gives you just that. A full video series to walk you through the construction. You can do this, we can do it together. Check it out.

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