18 inch doll clothes are the next frontier at Frocks & Frolics. Many of my customers are sewing their own little mini versions of our collection already. Now they can just get the sewing pattern for 18 inch doll clothes right here at Frocks & Frolics. I thought about it for a very long time and finally just before Christmas, in 2020, I got started. To get it right, I went to the ‘American Girl‘ shop and bagged myself two fabulous dolls. I had no idea how good these dolls are.

I chose Kira and Truly me (67) and I can’t wait to get accessories for my photoshoots! Everything about them is just perfect. I particularly love that they can even stand on one leg and are perfectly balanced! My son’s fiancee is a gifted photographer, with no interest in dolls, until she went to the store with me. It was quite ridiculous, how to grown women were gushing over all the details! She took all the photographs of the dolls, while I was filming the video instructions. There were plenty of uhs and ahs, as she matched hats and shoes. Check out the hair, too. No accessory in my stash was safe from Uuuganbayar. Just take a closer look at the hair details she created. Keep reading to find out why I would chose American Dolls again.

5 Reasons why I chose an 18 inch American Doll for my patterns
- 18 inches (46 cm) is a very good height and similar to making clothes for babies and toddlers. I really don’t like anything to fiddely so that seemed perfect.
- I love the soft body of the american dolls. They are perfectly balanced and are perfect for play.
- The Hair! The dolls hair is really is high quality and I particularly like the parting for pig tails. They have thought of everything.
- The accessories are to die for. The shoes give real support and are made just like real shoes. I was completely surprised at that. Needless to say I did get the cowboy hat, could not resist that cute little hat!
- The clothes are exceptional, for a doll. They are very expensive though, which is why making them yourself, is a no brainer.

An Important Lesson to learn…
When I made the Paris Bolero jacket, I soon discovered that those little armholes were really difficult to sew. So the main rule is that one should never, ever close the side seams and then add the sleeves. What is best for a full size garent, really is only going to give you a mega headache here. Even if the lining then needs to be attached by hand, around the armhole, its a small price to pay for an easy life!

Our First Doll Pattern
The Isabell doll dress is the first one of 28 patterns which I will be rolling out and hopefully more. Unfortunatly doing all the video content doesn’t go any quicker than a full version…
I hope you will get completely hooked, because I just want to sew more of those doll clothes. They are absolutely fab and such a joy.

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