So…you’ve decided to learn to sew! Congratulations and we are very happy to be joining you on this journey to help you ‘sew like a pro’ in no time. If you’re a little lost and confused and wondering where to start, you have come to the right place.
I’m Marina who will be leading this course, and have many years of tailoring and teaching experience and I’m very happy to show you the ropes and get you started straight away.

Here are the video tutorials included in this free course:

  1. Sewing First Steps

  2. How to insert box pleats

  3. How to hem

  4. How to insert gathers

Learn to Sew First Steps - Frocks and Frolics Blog

To have access to this free course, all you need to do is sign into our Academy here where you will have instant access to our video tutorials – you’ll be sewing like a pro in no time! Let us know what you think in the comments.

#howto #beginners #sewingtutorial #free

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